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The environmental impact of food packaging


Food waste is the major problem we want to warn you about but what about food packaging.

In 2017, in France, the industrial sector used the most plastic in packaging, about 158 millions of tons which represents 45.5%. [1]






















In 2020, according to National Geographic, food packagings are the wastes present in larger quantities on the beaches. We can find a lot of different things as candy’s papers, water bottles… [2] A lot of these waste are not even recyclable.


In 2019 , a cleansing campaign took place and they have collected enough straws to make 322 octupus to drink 8 smoothies a day for a year. [2] Not sure that an octupus likes smoothies!


As students we know that it is tempting to order or to take away food but. take-away food is the biggest ocean polluter [3]. 44% of the plastic wastes found around water spots are in link with take-away food [4].  Not only does this have repercussions on us but also on the ecosystems. Single-use bags, plastic cutlery and packaging sink in the ocean and cause damages. 


But fortunately, volunteers try to reduce this by cleaning the environment and beaches. In 2019, 943 195 volunteers for a total of 116 countries collected 32,5 millions (9400 tons) wastes with, in first place 4,8 millions of food packages [5]. 


To reduce that, you can buy in bulk food stores. In Rennes you can find David Day by Day.

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