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Why sort organic waste? It allows you to recycle it properly, reduce the volume of household waste by a third, and make a natural fertilizer, natural compost that will enrich the soil for plants and vegetable gardens.


What organic waste can you recycle? Peelings and cores of all fruits and vegetables (if you don't replant or reuse them with the many ideas here or there), houseplant waste, crushed eggshells, food scraps without meat, newspapers or cardboard cut into small pieces.

How to recycle you organic waste? Depending on where you live, there are several ways to recycle your bio-waste. For example, there is collective composting in gardens or at the foot of certain buildings. Still, you can also install an individual composter in your garden or vermicompost in your flat!

Vermicomposting is a composting technique using bins where your food waste is stored with worms, essential to transforming your waste into compost. It is the ideal compost for those who do not have a garden! It doesn't smell if used correctly, and there are plenty of tutorials on YouTube to create your worm compost bin to use all year round. Be careful though, the food for the worms is less varied than in a garden composter (garlic, for example, is harmful to earthworms), you have to be careful to bring in the organic material gradually and distribute it evenly, and you have to place your vermicomposter in a place where the temperature doesn't vary much (extreme temperatures slow down the activity of the worms and can be fatal). 

If the vermicomposting technique does not convince you, there are neighbourhood composters. Often initiated by groups of residents or neighbourhood associations, these shared composters make recycling bio-waste in a collaborative spirit. This type of initiative anticipates the 2025 law, which will require all holders of bio-waste to sort it for recycling.

How to use your compost? It can be used to cover or transplant your houseplants: put in the jar a mixture of one-quarter compost and three-quarters soil. You can also use the "compost juice" from the vermicomposter diluted with water (one-third juice for two-thirds water) to water your plants once a week. If you don't have any gardens or plants to use your compost, you can also make people happy by giving it away on private donation sites.




[1] Organic waste recycling (methods, steps, significance, barriers)

[2] Mes déchets alimentaires

[3] How to Recycle Food Waste at Home? | Greentumble

[4] Mode d’emploi de la mise en place d’un lombricomposteur

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